Monday, April 23, 2012

Writing Assignment

In Omnibus, we are currently going through 'The Caunterbury Tales' whose author, Chaucer, is a poet.  He describes his characters vividly.  So as a writing assignment, my teacher, Dr. Joost Nixon, had us write in Chaucer's style.  We could write about anyone we wanted.  I decided to write on George Washington!  I hope you enjoy.

More Than a Hatchet Man

A stern nature he is; he was courageous,                                                          
Yet merciful in every judgment, very contagious.
Stood he head and shoulders above all others,
Enemies belittled; worried mothers and fathers
Were the parents of the young men.
He would not deter from his purpose he was bidden,
To chase those British lobsters back to the ocean.

Broad-shouldered, strong arms, hope of clans,                                        
Keen and piercing his glance, brawny, thick hands.
A white blouse with a blue tailcoat and stars,
Plain wool pants clad his legs to hide his scars.
His able legs could carry that brave man,
None could keep with that American
As he fought the Brits in his land.

Wield could he anything that came his way                                                 
Be it rock, stone, tree or branch he could lay.
In war and battle, fearless and brave
He sent those turn-coats to their grave.
Wise in devising while odds were slim,
Loss of men could not deter him.
A commander of men in time of loss and win.