Friday, April 13, 2012

Hungarian (or Good Ol' Southern) Hospitality

Prior to breakfast (for some), Patrick systematically loaded three large duffels, one big orange cooler, four green commissary bags stuffed with groceries, five backpacks, two camera bags, two laptop computers (for the online classes that broke for spring a week earlier than us), a garment bag protecting Easter Sunday clothes, the travel folder, the lunch bag and a Belle-bag into the mini-van.  A quick check confirmed that everyone was in place, and I climbed into the front passenger seat and promptly received one of the laptops, GPS dangling from it, whose screen revealed the time still needed to complete the download of map upgrades.  Our departure time was dependent upon the success of this operation.  As Patrick drove toward the one necessary stop prior to any lengthy trip, the backerei, I kept my eyes on the computer screen to make sure that the download was not interrupted as we left home-base.  Evidently the download from Garmin had completed overnight and was securely stored in our computer … the transfer to the GPS did not require further internet-connection.  And so began our Hungarian Adventure!

Somewhere in Austria, the clouds thickened and a light shower trapped us in the van when we stopped for lunch.  The travel day remained gray and cool, but after settling into the Eden House (our home-away-from-home), we hopped into the van for a quick drive to our friends’  home and enjoyed a warm welcome and a delicious dinner of Hungarian goulash.  Easter Sunday dawned bright and beautiful (fittingly), and after we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord with other believers at Danube International Church, we feasted at the Pitts’ home and then explored the castle district of Budapest with our very own personal and gracious tour-guide-family!  Did I mention that our family of seven is a tad smaller than the Pitts’ family of nine?  Moving through the city of Budapest always kept us on our toes!

in the Castle District of Budapest

on our way toward Matthias Church
Matthias Church
evening excursion along the Danube ...
fewer "strollers" = greater peace of mind

formerly the Gresham Palace, now the Four Seasons Hotel


This narrow alley in Szentendre
kept the group in a tighter formation!

the Pitts & Lopez crews in Szentendre
(minus the youngest of each family)

The vote was unanimous ... everyone had an incredible time in Hungary!  And the biggest reason why?  The hospitality and generosity of our dear friends, the Pitts.  THANK YOU!

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