Friday, June 8, 2012

Pride and Prejudice

Recently I watched Pride and Prejudice, the six hour one.  I love that movie, and for those of you who haven't see it, I feel sorry for you.   Why?  The acting is very good, and it is such a classic.
Colin Firth is the best Darcy EVER!! I also like Jennifer Ehle, who plays Elizabeth Bennet; we mustn't forget her!  However much "Mr. Bingley" talks, he almost never stops smiling which makes him the BEST Bingley there is!  If I had to rate the characters, it would be difficult to choose a favorite.  I would most likely go with Darcy because he never smiles and has a witty remark for just about everything.

But then again, I also enjoy the "relationship" between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet.  For example:
Mrs. Bennet: "Oh my dear Mr. Bennet! Nothing you say shall ever vex me again!"
Mr. Bennet: "I am very sorry to hear it."

Darcy and Lizzie at the Netherfield Ball
Smile :)

Sorry about the photo quality. :(

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