Wednesday, October 2, 2013


A beautiful fall morning twenty years ago today on the other side of an ocean two wooden doors swung open and there you stood, your brother at your side.  I vaguely recall a trumpet playing, a bunch of people standing around me and a stone and oak church.  I remember you reflecting the beauty of that day.  God was playing his own music.

Much has changed since that day.  We are no longer just two but seven with capacity for love increasing with each new addition.  We have taken on the schooling of our children with each year bringing many new things to teach.   Houses have come and gone.  Each one made a home by your special touch.   We have changed careers, moved to new cities, and found new friends to make.   We have experienced longer times of separation than we would have ever dreamed and greater times of reunion than could be imagined.

Through all of these changes you have endured much.  There have been long days on hard bleachers in hot gyms, poor singing, bad poetry and occasional grumpiness, to name just a few.   There have been smelly diapers to change, much laundry to do.  My tastes have changed considerably.  You have taught me the joys of broccoli, ice cream and holiday traditions.   I have discovered a love of wine, desserts and hymns.  Back then I didn't know what it meant to be reformed, that I actually enjoy the company of the French, or that I would much care where John Calvin lived.  Now all of these things bring joy to my life.

With all of these changes one thing has never changed and that is my desire to be with you.  My love for you is greater today than ever before.  Through you God has given me five children and a family of joy to come home to.  Through you and your love, respect and support God has made me better than I ever was before.

Soon we will begin to see our children go.  Soon they will marry and have children.  May our sons be blessed to find a woman as wonderful as you.   May our daughters be as good a wife to their husbands as you have been to me.   May these blessings produce many grandchildren in whom we will find much joy.

May we grow old together…may the best be yet to come.

Ever loving you,
