Friday, August 3, 2012

On the Set of "Merlin"

Although the warmer days of August (notice I did not say "hot days" as a small token of respect for those loved ones sheltering in their air-conditioned cocoons back in the Midwest and most of the 48!) beckon my thoughts to focus here...

I still find myself daydreaming of a partly cloudy, cool June morning in France as we hiked up the hill, eyes focused on this...

Pierrefonds Castle
This little gem was just a few kilometers down the road from our Jaulzy gite and one of the first places we explored, much to the delight of one small Bear!  The older Lopez children's delight came in discovering that not only is the TV show "Merlin" filmed here, but on that June day as we crossed the drawbridge into the courtyard, this is what awaited us...

On the set of "Merlin"
With so much action taking place outside,

it took some coaxing to draw them inside to enjoy this...

and this

I feel compelled to share one more part of the daydream...this glimpse of God's spectacular handiwork as seen through a castle window.
The village of Pierrefonds

As our focus shifts to the exciting challenges of logic, algebra (1 & 2!), ancient (and modern) literature, chemistry, pre-calculus, latin, biology labs and kindergarten that beckon us forward, please forgive us if we sometimes slip into a daydream or two.

"Living the dream" with Mimi

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