Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remember How Your Hair Always Looked Good the Day BEFORE School Pictures...

Or maybe you had a sibling who crashed his bike and came home with stitches and a big bandage on his chin?  Just a few more reasons to be thankful that we are a "homeschool family" ... snap-snap.  (Are you humming the Adams Family tune while thinking of the lyrics by Tim Hawkins?)  Moving on.

Although we have been somewhat tardy in setting a date on our school calendar for pictures, we have been quite diligent in all other areas of our schooling.  The elder two have thoroughly enjoyed the instructors and the challenges of their online classrooms and are learning to budget their study time in order to satisfy more than one very patient and understanding teacher!  Abigail is looking forward to that specific challenge but satisfies herself at the present time with trying to introduce a new subject or two into her curriculum, wincing when she hears the condition, "IF you finish your other assignments, then we will begin _________."  And then there is Bear.  He is an eager student and always wants to know "When are you teaching me?"  He loves to sing the Alphabet Chase song, read books, memorize his Cubbie verses, play the matching game, and draw with big sister on the days that he isn't "doing music" with his other two (older) siblings.  Belle simply takes it all in with a big grin.

During last weekend, our school photographer had an extra day or two off from his real job, and so we were able to schedule individual photo ops.  Only two students needed to take advantage of the "re-take" day!  We hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Looking beautiful! I can't believe how much everyone keeps growing up. Seems we just saw you, but the changes happen fast (especially for those youngest two:). Love to you all.