Friday, October 1, 2010

Anniversary on the Beach

Tonight, my bride and I will get away to a cabin on the beach to celebrate our 17th anniversary which is tomorrow. We will wake up to dawn on the seashore and reflect upon the wonderful seventeen years God has granted us together and the past three years on Oahu which are so rapidly coming to a close. Two years together as a family surrounding one year with me in Iraq.

So much has happened in that time. Micaiah has become a young lady who has continued to excel in ballet and is rapidly becoming fluent in French. Isaac is becoming a responsible young man who just rode a hundred miles on his bike last weekend, dragging me along the way. Abigail, too, is maturing on this tropical paradise, and oddly enough, it is here that she recently discovered her talent for ice skating. For Bear, the world has changed so much. He learned to walk and talk on this isle and, at this moment, is fascinated by the slug that is making its way across our back patio and begging me to read Dr. Seuss to him in Latin. Virent Ova! Viret Perna! And, of course, number five is on the way - yet another blessing from God.

The blessings and grace of my Heavenly Father are far too numerous to comprehensively list here. Yet none of these rewards are mine without first receiving the gift of Shelly. She makes all of this possible.

I have been so blessed to have a wife willing to follow me wherever my Lord has led and to take so much upon herself while I deployed to the other side of the globe. Her strength never ceases to amaze me, and the honor she has brought me never fails to humble me.

A sunset, a sunrise and some much deserved peace and relaxation seem so insufficient to express the gratitude I have for her agreeing to marry me and for God giving me the wisdom to ask her. After our short getaway, we will come home to enjoy a Sabbath feast with our children. This seems appropriate since they are the fruit of our union and so much of our married life has included them. They have seen the blessing that their mother has been to me, and I pray they have seen how much I love their mother.


Jodie said...

Pat and Shelly, Happy Anniversary! I remember your very special wedding 17 years ago. What a wonderful tribute you wrote to Shelly, Pat. May the two of you have a great getaway, enjoying each other, and reflecting on all that God has done in your lives.

Congratulations about number 5 on the way! A lot of changes await you with your big move and a new baby. He is faithful and good!

So glad to find your blog and to be able to keep up with your family this way. I can relate with all your packing/sorting decisions, Shelly. That's where I am right now too. Mostly trying to get motivated to start!

We love you all!

Shelly said...

The bride thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent with her exceptional husband as we finally had our first complete anniversary celebration on this island paradise. Better late than never!