Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Beginnings in Our Homeschool

As we journey toward Germany, we have entered into our sixth year of schooling at home! This chapter opens with new characters ... well, the same characters starring in new roles. We are now educating our first HIGHschooler as well as our first PREschooler (for those who were witnesses of our beginning in this endeavor, you will remember we began when Abi was in kindergarten, Isaac in 2nd grade, and Micaiah in 4th). New beginnings abound ...

As Patrick and I spent time studying what this new season and new year would bring, we focused not only on how to "calendar" our school year (with a BIG break to move across the world) but also on what the daily routine would look like. Needless to say, especially for all those moms out there who are schooling even more children, time is precious. Over the years, I have learned that I am a better student when I teach! So... our three older children each have a small block of time in their school day labeled "Bear Instruction." This small, active preschooler is blessed with three unique tutors who run him through various activities emphasizing a letter, a number, and a color (or shape) throughout his school day.

After enjoying a highly nutritional dinner (or homemade pizzas!), we push back the plates and continue talking over the day. All the while Bear anxiously awaits his turn to hear Daddy say, "So tell me, Solomon Barak Lopez, what did you learn today during school?" Quickly he will spout off, "I learned the letter B, red, and 2!" Then he leans back in his oversized chair, basking in the glow of all the encouraging ooohs and aaaahhhs!

We are currently in the second week of what we have affectionately termed "Abbreviated School" with "Full Blast School" looming ahead and ready to launch on August 2. It is my prayer that the excitement wave we are currently riding will only continue to swell ... not crash against some black lava rocks and dissolve into small foaming bubbles!

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