I just said "Good-night" to my youngest boy who is snuggling under the train quilt (crafted by his Mimi) on the top bunk ... all by himself. Since leaving Hawaii, Bear has grown accustomed to sharing a room with his older brother, but tonight he faces the dark alone. Big brother is in France with Dad ... Paris-Roubaix, one of the biggest spring classics in the world of cycling. (More on that subject to follow once the men return!)
They say, "Imitation is the purest form of flattery," or something along those lines; I see that lived out on a daily basis. Although they may not always believe me, I assure the older siblings that "others" are watching. Or at the very least, sitting nearby.
I am thankful that God designed the family, and all the relations that come with it, as a picture of His love for us.
There are times when we catch an ever-so-small glimpse of how great that Love is. Just a few days ago, I sat at a picnic table and watched big brother help little brother on the favorite park-toy in Degerndorf ... the zip-line. Sometimes the ten-year gap just doesn't matter; family does. And I smile as I think of how little brother now has a baby sister to care for and love ... just as he has been loved.